SAI Philippines wins 1st Hackathon BPK Competition

Published: 18 January 2021

The Commission on Audit (COA), the Philippine Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), won first place at the professional level in the Hackathon BPK Competition – Indonesia with the theme “Hack for Accountability and Transparency” held by the Audit Board of Indonesia (Badan Pemerika Keuangan) to commemorate its 74th Anniversary.

The competition aimed to improve public engagement in audit-related activities through their involvement in developing software that can assist in audit and to enhance public awareness of the importance of accountability. It was open for students and professionals both at the national and international levels across the ASEAN and is expected to be a source of inspiration for the youth to strive for innovation, especially in adapting to the new normal. Judging of the entries were held in Jakarta from 12-13 January 2021 or virtually, via online connection.

The COA team was composed of Mr. Gerald M. Mendeja (project lead), Mr. Jewelle Caezar G. Gadiano, and Marwin A. de Guzman of the Information Technology Office.  The team developed the Project Reporting of Infrastructure Schedule Monitoring System (PRISM) which is an application designed for monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of different government infrastructure projects through different platforms such as web and mobile.


Mr. Mendeja said that PRISM uses different technology to capture government infrastructure data that would be used by auditors, citizens for participatory audit/public engagement, and management for decision making.

"The idea of PRISM will promote accountability and transparency through the collection of audit-related data for analytical reports and visualization. Similar to the concept of prism in science, project PRISM signifies transparent elements that will refract data to produce a spectacular and useful display of reports and visuals for decision making and public use. And with the current pandemic, PRISM will be very helpful in remote audit," Mr. Mendeja said during his presentation of the project for final judging.

Project PRISM features web application, mobile application (for auditors/citizens), dashboard and analytics, geotagging and capturing, public engagement, and public web portal. PRISM also has an open data-sharing feature.

Placing second at the professional level was Bukan Samsan Tech while Kaes placed third. The winners in the school/university category were Hakuna Matata/Gajah Maksi team (first place), InPhys Tech (second) and Sidoarjo Bisa (third). 

Congratulations, COA-ITO Team!