SAI Philippines completes participation in the 12th ASOSAI Research Project

Published: 16 August 2021

The Commission on Audit (COA), the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of the Philippines, has completed its participation in the 12th Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) Research Project on “Audit on Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Leveraging Digital or Big Data to Achieve the SDGs.” SAI United Arab Emirates (UAE), Chair of the 12th Research Project, presented two reports and executive summaries during the virtual meeting on 26 July 2021 formally concluding the research project. COA Assistant Commissioner Fortunata M. Rubico and Director Michael L. Racelis, Team Leader and Team Member, respectively, attended the virtual meeting.

The two reports are titled: Audit on Implementation of SDGs: Leveraging Digital or Big Data to Achieve the SDGs; and Evaluation of the importance of reporting frameworks based on providing transparency in situations that have complexities prepared by SAI Thailand. The research project consisted of three pillars: Policy Coherence, Management of Information and Accountability Lines and an in-depth study on promoting transparency within the government as part of strengthening accountability area. The major contributions of SAI Philippines to the research project included performance audit of the National Greening Program conducted by the Performance Audit Office, concepts of citizen participatory audit, application of ISSAI-100 audit model in the policy evaluation of a climate change program, and audit of digital or big data under different maturity levels with the assistance of the Information Technology Audit Office.

The reports have been uploaded at SAI UAE will present the executive summaries of the two reports during the next ASOSAI Governing Board Meeting and General Assembly in September 2021.

The research project had its kick-off meeting in February 2019 attended by 35 participants from SAIs Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, and Vietnam. For SAI Philippines, Assistant Commissioner Rubico, and Directors Racelis, Susana S. Medez and Maria Realiza R. Ysmael attended the kick-off meeting. The second meeting in October 2019 was attended by Assistant Commissioner Rubico and Director Racelis. # Contributed by Assistant Commissioner Fortunata M. Rubico and Director Michael L. Racelis; edited by the Public Information Office