COA Director Dondonilla successfully leads 63rd Session of the UN Committee for Programme and Coordination

COA Director Adela Dondonilla (4th from right, front row), Chairperson of the 63rd Session of the Committee for Programme and Coordination, joins representatives from the Member States and Observer States during the closing ceremony at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. (Photo Credit: New York PM)

Commission on Audit (COA) Director Adela L. Dondonilla, representing the Philippines, successfully chaired the 63rd session of the United Nations (UN) Committee for Programme and Coordination (CPC 63) which concluded on 30 June 2023.

Director Dondonilla successfully steered the session, reviewing 28 programmes of the UN Secretary General (SG) proposed for Programme Budget in 2024 and adopting 18 programme plans out of 28. Despite the challenging geopolitical situation, she was able to usher the Committee to collaborate with all delegations in achieving desirable outcomes leading to the adoption of 18 programme plans designed to provide the Member States’ guidance to the UN Secretariat.

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Ten COA State Auditors are now INTOSAI Development Initiative Certified Supreme Audit Institutions Auditors

Chairperson Gamaliel A. Cordoba (2nd from left) presents the Certificates of Competence for IDI Certified SAI Performance Auditors. With him are (left to right): Dir. Roberto D. Mabagos, Jr. of the Office of the Commissioner II, SAI Coach for PA, Dir. Josephine B. Manalo of QAO, Commissioner Mario G. Lipana, Assistant Commissioner Roland A. Rey of LGAS, Assistant Commissioner Cora Lea A. Dela Cruz of PIDS, Ms. Jonah C. Mendoza of COA RO XI, Ms. Mary Sherylyn A. Mabute of QAO, Ms. Czyrhinne R. Castillo of PAO, and Atty. Eumaida P. Tiongson of COA RO III, SAI Coach for PA.

QUEZON CITY, Philippines –Ten Commission on Audit (COA) State Auditors successfully completed the Professional Education for Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) Auditors – Pilot (PESA-P) program launched by the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Development Initiative (IDI) to create a critical mass of SAI audit professionals with competencies to add value to the SAI’s professionalization journey.

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COA and USAID extend performance audit project

The Commission on Audit (COA) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) extended for another two years the Philippine Performance Audit Partnership project (PPAP), benefitting from the momentum towards sustainability of performance auditing in the Commission.

COA, USAID and the United States Government Accountability Office - Center for Audit Excellence (US GAO-CAE) entered into a memorandum of understanding in 2019 for the provision of technical assistance to further enhance COA’s performance audit capacity in evaluating high-value government programs to ensure that they are efficient, economical and achieve their objectives.

Chairperson Gamaliel A. Cordoba together with Commissioners Roland C. Pondoc and Mario G. Lipana and Assistant Commissioner Alexander B. Juliano present tokens of appreciation to the United States Agency for International Development’s Regional Controller Bret Campbell (1st from left), Team Leader Mohamed Dansoko (2nd from left), Mission Director Ryan Washburn (4th from left) and Chief Financial Officer Reginald Mitchel (3rd from right) during the launch of the Philippine Performance Audit Partnership project extension at the CP Boardroom.

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CARE Party tops PhilGASEA election

Chairperson Gamaliel A. Cordoba administers the oath-taking of the newly elected officers of the Philippine Government Audit Service Employees Association.

The Philippine Government Audit Service Employees Association (PhilGASEA), the Commission on Audit’s employees association, held its national election recently. The COA Alliance for Reform and Empowerment (CARE) party won all the National Executive Council positions over the Ambagan Unity party. The new officers shall serve the unfinished term of the previous PhilGASEA officers which will end on December 2024.

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