The Commission on Audit (COA) recognizes the importance of developing a highly competent audit workforce to carry out the Commission's audit mandate efficiently and effectively. In an article published on 04 September 2023 by the Manila Bulletin entitled “COAs Competency-Driven Learning and Development for Auditors” under its PICPA Talks column, COA Commissioner Roland Café Pondoc highlighted the Commission’s strategic direction to develop and implement a Competency-Based Human Resource System (CBHRS).
“As a knowledge institution itself, COA needs to be agile and prepared to take on risks that impinge upon the management of its workforce performance. It thus became vital that learning and development strategies, structures and processes are attuned to the level of dynamism of the environment within which COA operates,” Commissioner Pondoc observed in his article.
"COA's CBHRS, in its complete form, offers a more straightforward solution to COA in harnessing the potential of its biggest asset to achieve the greatest value, it provides the basic competency frame for learning and development," Commissioner Pondoc added.