COA enhances Competency-Based Human Resource System

The Commission on Audit (COA) recognizes the importance of developing a highly competent audit workforce to carry out the Commission's audit mandate efficiently and effectively. In an article published on 04 September 2023 by the Manila Bulletin entitled “COAs Competency-Driven Learning and Development for Auditors” under its PICPA Talks column, COA Commissioner Roland Café Pondoc highlighted the Commission’s strategic direction to develop and implement a Competency-Based Human Resource System (CBHRS).

“As a knowledge institution itself, COA needs to be agile and prepared to take on risks that impinge upon the management of its workforce performance. It thus became vital that learning and development strategies, structures and processes are attuned to the level of dynamism of the environment within which COA operates,” Commissioner Pondoc observed in his article.

"COA's CBHRS, in its complete form, offers a more straightforward solution to COA in harnessing the potential of its biggest asset to achieve the greatest value, it provides the basic competency frame for learning and development," Commissioner Pondoc added.

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COA bags highest GADtimpala award

The Commission on Audit (COA) was awarded the two highest Gender and Development Transformation & Institutionalization through Mainstreaming of Programs, Agenda, Linkages & Advocacies (GADtimpala) 2023 Awards conferred by the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) at the awards ceremony held at the Samsung Hall, SM Aura, Taguig City on 14 August 2023.

COA was honored with the GADtimpala Gold for Outstanding Gender Responsive Agency in recognition of its outstanding performance in gender mainstreaming and the effective implementation of gender-responsive programs, as well as the GADtimpala Gold for exemplary GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) highlighting the dedication and commitment of COA GFPS in promoting gender equality and women empowerment in the organization and the sector.

The GADtimpala award recognizes deserving entities, government agencies, and local government units for their outstanding performance in gender mainstreaming and the effective implementation of gender-responsive programs that have visible impacts in upholding women’s rights, achieving gender equality and empowerment, and transforming women’s and men’s lives.

His Excellency President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. and First Lady Louise Araneta-Marcos gave congratulatory video messages to the awardees. President Marcos noted that the awardees’ initiatives and the efficiency of their implementation demonstrate the typical ingenuity, sincerity and integrity that Filipinos can and should expect from government. “As your efforts for the progress of our society are honored, I also welcome the inspiration and challenge that this would bring to public servants all across our country. I hope that what you have shown and continue to show will inspire us all in our unending efforts for the empowerment of our people no matter their gender. Let the success of our colleagues be a reminder of our power to continue making our nation more inclusive for the present and succeeding generations,” President Marcos said.

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COA releases Report on the Salaries and Allowances (Gross of Tax) of high-ranking government officials

The Commission on Audit (COA) released the CY 2022 Report on the Salaries and Allowances (ROSA) received by Principal Officers and Members of Governing Boards of Government Corporations (GCs) and their Subsidiaries and by the Secretaries, Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries and other officials of equivalent rank of the National Government Agencies (NGAs) in accordance with the government’s continuing thrust to promote transparency and accountability in its transactions and operations.

COA, through its Corporate Government Audit Sector, compiles the ROSA submitted and certified by the accountants of the GCs and NGAs and verified by their respective COA Auditors, to effectively monitor emoluments paid to the high-ranking government officials holding multiple positions in various government agencies in compliance with COA Memorandum No. 92-780, dated 21 September 1992, as amended by COA Memoranda Nos. 2010-012, 2012-005 and 2016- 011 dated 6 April 2010, 20 April 2012 and 4 April 2016, respectively. The ROSA is submitted to the Office of the President and Congress.

The ROSA also summarizes the total amount of emoluments and benefits received by these officials from all the different government agencies/ instrumentalities where they served and/or are affiliated. All the compensation data summarized are presented at gross of tax.

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COA wins 2023 GADTimpala Gold for outstanding gender-responsive agency, exemplary GAD Focal Point System

The Commission on Audit (COA) is the gold standard in gender and development (GAD) efforts among government agencies having been officially declared as a Double Gold Awardee of the Gender and Development Transformation & Institutionalization through Mainstreaming of Programs, Agenda, Linkages & Advocacies (GADtimpala) 2023 to be conferred by the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW).

COA is recognized with the GADTimpala Gold Award for Outstanding Gender-Responsive Agency for its outstanding performance in gender mainstreaming and the effective implementation of gender-responsive programs. This means that COA has reached Level 5-Replication and Innovation, as assessed by the PCW using the Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF) Organizational Assessment Tool. At this level, the agency must have fully mainstreamed GAD into its mandate and be recognized by other agencies as a model in gender mainstreaming. It means that it has enhanced its four Entry Points on Policies; People; Enabling Mechanisms; and Programs, Activities and Projects (PAPs) based on the results of the GMEF Organizational Assessment Tool.

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