“A house is made of walls and beams, a home is made of hopes and dreams.”
To maintain the independence that fosters integrity among its ranks, the Commission on Audit planned for the total withdrawal of auditors residing within auditee-agency's roofs by building Provincial Satellite Auditing Offices (PSAO) nationwide.
The PSAO for the Province of Eastern Samar located at the Capitol Site in Borongan City was recently inaugurated with COA Chairperson Michael G. Aguinaldo and Commissioner Roland C. Pondoc leading the ceremony which included the unveiling of the PSAO marker and the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
COA Chairperson Michael G. Aguinaldo and Commissioner Roland C. Pondoc with Eastern Samar Governor Marcelo Ferdinand A. Picardal lead the inauguration of the Provincial Satellite Auditing Office in Borongan City, Eastern Samar. |
Chairperson Aguinaldo highlighted the building as a symbol of independence and the Commission's initiative to detach residency from client agencies but emphasized that this does not sever COA's partnership with the local government in nation building. Consequently, the Chairperson reiterated his principle that auditors are partners and enablers of government in perfoming their mandates better.