2015 Christmas at the COA: A family in thanksgiving

Published: 16 December 2015

COA Chairperson addresses COAns during the Belen lighting ceremony on December 11, 2015.  

The Commission on Audit (COA) family looks on the accomplishments of the year with gratitude as it celebrates the 2015 Christmas Season with the theme “COA Family in Thanksgiving.”

COA opened the celebration with the lighting of the Christmas tree and Belen ceremony led by COA Chairperson Michael G. Aguinaldo on December 11, 2015. This year’s giant Christmas tree was made from old tires and recycled materials.

A video presentation featuring the Christmas messages of Chairperson Aguinaldo and Commissioners Heidi L. Mendoza and Jose A. Fabia was played over the big screen.

“Christmas is celebrated as coming together of people,” said Chairperson Aguinaldo. The Chairperson observed that Christmas is more than just a religious celebration and is also a coming together of different cultures, noting that many of the traditions celebrated during Christmas came from various cultures which are not limited to a particular religion.

Commissioner Mendoza, for her part, said Christmas “is a pledge that light will overcome darkness.” Commissioner Mendoza encouraged everyone to do their jobs well so that they can be happy after their service in COA knowing that they did their best.

Meanwhile, Commissioner Fabia said that in the spirit of Christmas, COAns should look back at what they have accomplished and must always remember that “we are not only guardians of the public purse but also catalysts for excellent public service.”

The COA Christmas celebration includes a bingo game sponsored by the Philippine Government Audit Service Employees Association, a program for the kids of the COA Day Care Center, a lunch get-together and gift-giving with employees with Salary Grade 1-6 and job-order personnel, and a raffle draw sponsored by the Association of National Government Sector Auditors, Inc. # – Dennis Cariño